
Housing Total Income Package Food Childcare


A list of affordable housing options and assistance to explore with clients. Keep in mind that simply navigating some of these websites can be daunting and frustrating. These particular pages can be especially helpful:

Housing Navigator

Central Mass Housing Alliance

Total Income Package

It’s important to consider income from all sources when charting a path to success or calculating a target income. The total income package includes income from wages, as well as from public benefits such as cash assistance, food assistance (including SNAP, WIC, and National School Lunch Program (free or reduced price meals), and help from friends, family, and community. The total income package will vary from person to person. These tools can help you calculate your total income package.

(links to income snapshot tool and income calculator tool)


Link to food assistance programs, applications for SNAP, WIC, Summer EBT

City of Worcester Taskforce on Food Security



Resources that help with childcare: DTA Transitional Support Services, including extended length daycare vouchers,